After having found a Dog companion, I found that, since when it dies it's so costy to revive him, I thought it would deserve an item (purchasable at a shop), say, a whistle, to "tell" the dog to come to you, to stay in position, instead of having to be so close to it. The whistle would cost something like 500$ and would be bindable into one of the interface keys, that way if your dog is in danger you can call him and he would have a chance of getting out in time, instead of having to ruuuun to it, die WHILE trying to get close to it, and finally maybe be able to put it back in inventory in time.
Also.. It might sound *mean* or stupid, but I think the developper (Silverlan) should be focusing on more important stuff rather than thinking up a random idea (like PVP.. no need for PVP honestly) like, selling system, quests, or simply more spawn places (I'm sorry if you are ALREADY working on these, I just heard that "PVP" is what you were focusing on right now, and I personally find it stupid..)